Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Torture of Testing

We started our standardized testing this past Wednesday. Some days we test for only an hour or so, but other days we will test for half the day. While the students are testing I am required to walk around and make sure they are bubbling correctly, staying on the correct test, looking at their own paper, not sleeping, etc. This is BORING! Not only is it boring, but it is FRUSTRATING! We have worked all year on the information that they are tested on, so it is pure torture to see them making very careless/ridiculous mistakes. The real torture, though is that I cannot say anything to them, much less whack them on the back of the head and say "Are you kidding me?!?!"
On Thursday they took one of the math tests. As I was walking around and checking to make sure they were writing their answers correctly I noticed that hardly any of them had the same answers. Is that a problem?? If they ask a question, all I can do is re-read the test question to them. And the questions I was getting made me want to borrow one of their freshly sharpened #2 pencils and gouge my eyes out. Two days of testing down, 5 more to go... should be fun!

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