Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy Fall Y'all

Fall in the South is pretty much an extension of summer. This time of year always cracks me up because you will see anything from spaghetti straps and flip flops to sweaters and Ugg boots. It is difficult to decide whether you should dress for the season or the weather. In most places this time of year is referred to as fall, which means you should put away the sandals and capris, but here in Alabama it is "Hotumn" which means it is still in the mid 80's during the day. I have refused to give up my sandals and begin shoving my feet back into their close-toed prisons until I absolutely have to.

I am also humored by the number of people in my neighborhood that actually celebrate Halloween more than on the 31st. The number of people with Halloween inflatables, mailbox decorations, etc. amazes me. (The fact that most of these people also have "Roll Tide" bumper stickers is very telling).

But, I will also say that I cannot wait for that brief window of time when the leaves start to change. It is one of the absolute most beautiful times to be in Birmingham. This is a picture I took a few years ago of the view when I walk out my front door.

So, go get on your flip flops, fleece jacket, and get out and enjoy the weather. Happy Hotumn!

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