Friday, June 5, 2015

Beauty Beyond Measure

If you are like me I have always pictured Africa as dry, hot, sandy, and flat.  I am sure there are areas of this enormous continent that match that description, but I was shocked to find that Tanzania is anything but flat and sandy.  Over the eight days I spent in Tanzania I was continuously awestruck by the beauty of God's creation.

From the green, mountainous landscape

To the beautiful smiles of precious children

To wild animals grazing in what I imagine Eden was like

To the bright colors that were everywhere

Clayton, one of my team members, challenged each of us early in the week to live in the moment and fully embrace each experience of this trip.  He told us to just "eat the peach" and not think about the next thing on the to-do list or what was happening back at home, but to truly "taste and see that the Lord is good".  Man, that is hard for me, but so rewarding to slow down and appreciate God's creation.  I am continuing to challenge myself with this now that I am home and the pace is much more hurried and hectic.  I challenge you to do the same... stop and smell the roses, slow down, breathe deep, be still, eat the peach.

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