Saturday, September 24, 2011

Blessed (#7 - Check)

One of my goals this year was to invest time in new friendships. Little did I know how blessed I would be by new friends (and old friends). In February, my friend Lauren and I decided to lead a small group that would meet every Friday night. The purpose of our group was to meet more people from church and just provide an opportunity for everyone to hang out each week. Since that group started I have made some amazing new friends that have challenged and encouraged me in my relationship with God. When we started this group, I had no idea how blessed I would be with new church friends. Even though our group only lasted through May, we all still hang out and I am constantly encouraged by these amazing people.
I also had no idea that when I made this goal for myself, God would also provide the opportunity for me to invest time in some old friends as well. My best friend that I have known since I was about 11 was hit with a devastating blow in May when she found out that her husband of 7 years (who was also one of my closest friends) had been having an affair. Needless to say, I was shocked and devastated to learn about this. But, with an incredible amount of dignity and strength my amazing friend faced this with the most admirable attitude. I am so thankful that I live close by and was able to be there with her and her precious little boy over the past 4 months. She has no idea how much I have learned from her. Her faith has been strengthened and she has whole-heartedly rested in the arms of our Savior. She started a blog when everything first happened and she was able to verbalize what she was feeling and thinking, but at the end of each post she was able to bring it back to what God was teaching and showing her in all of this. One of our other childhood friends (who has experienced her own share of "awful") said it best when she told Stacey that this was just a sad chapter in a beautiful story. Today is Stacey's 30th birthday and I am celebrating what an amazing friend, sister, mother, teacher, and daughter she is. She has faced the single-most painful experience of her life and she has grown stronger as a person and as a Christian because of it. She now has a new job teaching kindergarten, a great new home with her son, and some much needed distance from this "sad chapter".

God is so faithful in providing for us and answering our prayers. When I started praying for our small group in January and asking God to bring new friends into my life, I had no idea that not only would he provide those amazing people, but He would also strengthen a 20 year bond with a lifelong friend. "I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you I always pray with joy." - Philippians 1:3-4

Friday, September 23, 2011

Update on THE List

Earlier this year I mentioned my list that I created of things I wanted to do before my BIG 30th birthday in August. Well, here is the update on what I actually checked off my list:

  1. Shoot a Gun
  2. Skydive
  3. Run a 5K - DONE (well, sort of)
  4. Auburn Reunion with college friends - DONE
  5. Concerts - DONE
  6. Read Little Women - Tried to, but couldn't get through the first chapter
  7. Invest time in new friendships - DONE and soooo blessed
  8. Visit a Winery - DONE
  9. Road Trip - DONE
  10. 5 Random Acts of Kindness
  11. Volunteer for something new - DONE
  12. Art - DONE
  13. Church 301 - DONE
  14. Church 401 - DONE
  15. Camping
  16. Get a massage - DONE
  17. Sewing
  18. Cooking Class - DONE
  19. Zip Line
  20. Scuba Dive
  21. Get a Passport
  22. Ski (Water or Snow)
  23. Watch the Sun Rise
  24. Be a Greeter at church - DONE
  25. Visit a Flea Market - DONE
  26. Visit a New College Town/Stadium - DONE
  27. Ride a Motorcycle
  28. New Floor in my Kitchen
  29. Visit Nathan in Colorado
  30. Movies
    o Citizen Kane
    o The Godfather - DONE
    o Casablanca - DONE
    o Ghost
    o Gone with the Wind
    o Psycho - DONE
    o Thelma and Louise - DONE
    o American Graffitti
    o Raiders of the Lost Ark
    o Breakfast at Tiffany's - DONE
    o One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - DONE
    o The Graduate - DONE
    o Little Women
    o Doubt - DONE
    o A Few Good Men - DONE