Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Torture of Testing

We started our standardized testing this past Wednesday. Some days we test for only an hour or so, but other days we will test for half the day. While the students are testing I am required to walk around and make sure they are bubbling correctly, staying on the correct test, looking at their own paper, not sleeping, etc. This is BORING! Not only is it boring, but it is FRUSTRATING! We have worked all year on the information that they are tested on, so it is pure torture to see them making very careless/ridiculous mistakes. The real torture, though is that I cannot say anything to them, much less whack them on the back of the head and say "Are you kidding me?!?!"
On Thursday they took one of the math tests. As I was walking around and checking to make sure they were writing their answers correctly I noticed that hardly any of them had the same answers. Is that a problem?? If they ask a question, all I can do is re-read the test question to them. And the questions I was getting made me want to borrow one of their freshly sharpened #2 pencils and gouge my eyes out. Two days of testing down, 5 more to go... should be fun!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wants vs. Needs

So, God and I have been having lots of meaningful discussions lately on wants vs. needs. He is really showing me that there is indeed a difference between the two. For example, things that I want = husband, to be a mother, rock-hard body, just to name a few. Are "wants" bad things? Not necesarily. Are "wants" what we always "need"? Not necessarily. A want is something that would be nice to have, a wish, a desire. A need is something that is necessary or required for our well-being. So, when using the definition of a need and looking at my "wants" I quickly see that they are not things that I will die without, which is a tough pill to swallow, because it sure feels that way sometimes. Does this mean that I should not pray for these things? Absolutely not! But I think that I tend to go to God like Veruca Salt in my most whiny voice, proclaiming, "But, Daddddyy, I want a ____________ nowwwww!" Sometimes the things we want are just not what God has for us at that time, and that takes some major faith in His perfect timing, which is also hard for me to do, because let's face it... my plan always seems great to me. Trusting that God knows what is up ahead can be so hard at times, especially since I am slightly OCD about planning things. It is very hard for me to let go and relinquish control, but that is exactly what He demands of me... Trust, Faith, Surrender.

God has really spoken to me through the Bible study I am doing right now. The other day I saw a translation of Psalm 23:1 that I had never seen before. It really emphasized that in Christ, I have all I need. The NIV version says, "The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.", but this translation said, "The Lord is my Shepherd; I have everything I need." The author of this study went further to translate this verse by saying, "What I have in God is greater than what I don't have in life." WOW! Chew on that for a while!

Here are some of the verses God has shown me to encourage me in this area:
"No, the Lord is all I need. He takes care of me." - Psalm 16:5
"Depend on the Lord, trust Him, and He will take care of you." - Psalm 37:5
"Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks. And God's peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:6-7
"My God will use his wonderful riches in Christ Jesus to give you everything you need." - Philippians 4:19

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Rules of Facebook

I have decided that when you sign up for Facebook you should have to agree to some rules:
1. I will not update my status more than twice a day. If you are updating your status hourly, please get a job like the rest of us!
2. I will not use my status to inform others of how much I saved at Publix, how my child's potty training is going, the itinerary of my day, etc.
3. I will not post pictures that might make others uncomfortable (i.e. my bare pregnant belly, my child's first nosebleed, etc.)
4. I will not make the following comments without a detailed explanation: "Praying for the Smith family. What a horrible tragedy.", "Today is the worst day ever.", "I have some very exciting news!"
5. I will not post every picture I have taken in the past 5 years. It is really not necessary to have albums documenting a random Saturday when you decided to wash your car.
6. I will not use my status to make controversial statements that will get people all riled up, such as "Obama is the worst President ever.", "Christianity is for idiots.", "RTR", etc.
7. I will not use uncommon abbreviations. How is anyone supposed to know that GNSD = Good Night Sweet Dreams, ROTFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off, etc.
8. I will never say "Good Morning/Night FB friends". That is just sad.
9. I will check my spelling before I post my status. The teacher in me cringes when I see the following: "Person X want's to go too the beach rite now!" or "Congrads on the win!"

10. I will not use my status to post inside jokes. Out of your 247 Facebook friends, if only one person knows the meaning of "The green socks are too tight on my cankles. HAHAHA" then you do not need to post that.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Let The Sun Shine!

This week has been Spring Break for me. I had planned out all sorts of outdoor events to enjoy the beautiful spring-like weather. Today is Friday. Today is the first day this week there has been sun. Today is the first day this week I have experienced the aforementioned "spring-like weather". This morning I woke up to sun shining through the windows and scrambled to eat breakfast, do some laundry, and get outside to soak up some Vitamin D. As I started out the back door of my house, I found that the dead bolt was stuck. I turned and turned with all my might, but it would not budge. "What the heck?!? Finally it is sunny and I want to be outside, but here I stand trapped inside! Why me, why me?!?" After much drama, and a bent pair of pliers, I was freed. I now have a slight sunburn, but no longer feel like I am living on the set of Twilight in dreary Forks, Washington! Good thing, too because apparently a cold front is a comin with partly cloudy skies. I fully expect to see my good friend, the sun, again next week when I am stuck back inside my classroom... with 25 kids who have also been sun-deprived...who will be taking their standardized tests. I will be sure to keep the blinds closed, so we can't see what we are missing out on!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Technologically Efficient

I was thinking yesterday about just how technologically efficient we as a society have become. Don't believe me? Think about this:
1. Remember when it took several minutes for the cashier to use the manual credit card machine where they had to make the imprint of your card on the triple copy receipt paper? (Oh I do... first job at Harco). Now, there are actually some credit cards that come with a tag that goes on your key ring. You just scan the barcode and head out the door with your purchase.
2. While perusing Amazon for a new work-out DVD I saw tons that promised a complete work-out in 10 minutes. I am still holding out for one that promises weight loss while sleeping.
3. How many of you do the majority of your Christmas/clothes/shoe shopping from the comfort of your couch without ever darkening the door of your local mall?
4. When is the last time you actually used a dictionary or "wondered" about something? Now we have instant access to and google.
5. Facebook now offers us a more discreet way to stalk people.

6. Remember when we actually took time to write a letter? Now we email. Remember when we actually picked up the phone to call someone and have a real conversation? Now we text.
7. There are "apps" for the iPhone that will do everything but brush your teeth for you.
So basically, we as a society have become accustomed to being technologically efficient, or in other words... lazy.

Monday, March 15, 2010


So, I must confess... I love books! I love to peruse the aisles and tables of Books-A-Million and find books that sound interesting, funny, touching, etc. The only problem is that once I buy a book and get it home, I don't want to read it yet. Then I want to go find something else, so basically I have a bookshelf full of brand new books that I have never read. Just this weekend I bought 3 new books at Target. I am finishing up a library book right now and then have several others in line to start next, but who knows... I will probably just return this one to the library and end up bringing home another stack of books. Happy Reading!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Love. My. Church.

I attend Church of the Highlands here in Birmingham and I LOVE IT! I am blessed to have been raised in great churches. Many of my closest friends today are people that I developed relationships with through my youth group. When I graduated from Auburn in 2003 I moved back to Birmingham and attended COTH off and on, but within the past year or so I have become more consistent in attending and have really tried to get involved through small groups. I have met some great new friends and have been challenged and encouraged in my faith. Here are some of the reasons I love my church:
1. It is soooo alive! That is best way I can describe the feeling during worship services. Everyone is worshipping freely in a variety of ways. (Yes, this made me extremely uncomfortable at first. Being raised in a Baptist church, I never saw people raise their hands, clap, shout out, etc., but now I have even been known to join right in!)
2. I can wear jeans! It is so laid back and casual, especially at the campus I go to.
3. I love my pastor. His sermons are convicting and encouraging. He is funny and easy to understand, so he keeps my attention.
4. The music is amazing! Traditional songs? No. Hymn books? No. Refer back to #1.
5. They have live online streaming of the 9:30 and 11:15 services, so if I am not feeling well or tired (aka lazy) I can stay in my pajamas on my couch and feel like I am right there.
So, is COTH for everyone? No. Is it for me? Yes. My prayer is that no matter what church you attend, you feel as close to God as I do when you are there.

Monday, March 8, 2010


This afternoon I went for a walk in my neighborhood (yes, you read correctly... I actually made an attempt at physical exercise). It was such a beautiful day and I wanted to be outside and enjoy the pleasant temperature, cool breeze, and sunshine. While walking I made some observations about my neighbors.
1. A lot of smokers live in my neighborhood.
2. A lot of smokers that litter live in my neighborhood.
3. A lot of people have very tacky decorating sense (example... using fake flowers in an outdoor flower bed)
4. There are LOTS of Bammers.
Now I ask, do you think these things are all just coincidences? Hmmm... I think not. Pretty sure the dots can easily be connected.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sister, Sister

My sister is pregnant with another girl, so we have all been trying to prepare Carson to be a big sister. This has brought about lots of reminiscing for Ashley and me. I am lucky enough to have a sister that I also consider one of my best friends... BUT it hasn't always been this way. We didn't become that close until she left for Auburn and our bond was later solidified through our mutual obsession with N'Sync.
Even though we did not always get along that well through middle school and high school, I always wanted to be like her. She had cool clothes, cool friends, and cool (doo-doo roll) bangs. When she was gone I would often sneak into her room and try on/steal her clothes, such as her salmon colored Harry T's shirt, guatemalan belt, sunflower barette and matching t-shirt, etc. I would later stand at the top of the stairs where she couldn't see me and ask if I could borrow one of these items (while already wearing it). Then she would get mad and use her cat claws (a.k.a. fingernails of death) to punish me by digging them into my arm while I slapped at her.
Thankfully, we have moved beyond those days and I now pray that Carson will be as blessed as I have been by having such an amazing relationship with her sister!