So anyway, here is the rest of my completed list:
#9 - Check (again) In my previous post I mentioned a road trip with my sister this summer, but there are two other trips that I had to mention. In October I went on a cruise with 3 other friends from church. Our cruise left out of New Orleans and we ended up going to Progreso due to a hurricane (we were supposed to go to Cozumel). We had a great time and it was a perfect break from school.

In December my best friend, Stacey, and I went on a road trip to Nashville for the weekend. We toured the Opryland Hotel and saw the Rockettes. It was a blast to get out of town for the weekend with her.

#13, 14, and 24 - DONE
I finally finished off the Growth Track at church by attending Discovery 301 (where you take a spiritual gifts assessment to determine what areas you can best serve in at the church) and Dream Team 401 (which allows you to talk with leaders from lots of different service areas at the church). I signed up to become a greeter (yes, like the friendly folks at Wal Mart) and started doing that back in the summer. It has been great to welcome other people into my church that I love and I have enjoyed meeting some new people. That covers 13, 14, and 24.
#11 - Volunteer for something new: Ongoing
Last January God really laid on my heart to become more servant minded. We live in such a "me" focused society and it is easy to become very focused on what I want and what I think I need or even deserve, but God really opened my eyes to the fact that I am called to be His servant and a servant to His people. I asked Him to begin showing me opportunities to be His hands and feet to others. Of course there have been many times where His voice has been muffled out by my selfish nature, but the times when I have really focused on where He was leading me I have been so blessed by being able to be a blessing to others.
#18 - Cooking Class: DONE and another one planned for
This summer I started looking for a cooking class I could take, but the ones I could find were either too expensive, too fancy, or too far away, so I decided that I had so many great cooks around me that I should just tap into their expertise and get them to teach me some of their recipes. I immediately thought of my friend, Jessie, who moved to Birmingham from New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. She loves to cook and always talks about what she whipped up from leftovers she had in her fridge or spare ingredients in her cabinet, so I asked her to plan out an authentic Cajun menu and send me a grocery list. I got the ingredients and she came over to give me a lesson. My friend, Myra was also in on the lesson. We made BBQ shrimp po'boys and bananas foster. Both were very simple and delicious. After our class Jessie bought me a Groupon for a cooking class that we are going to together soon. I will update you on how it goes afterward!
#29 - Visit Nathan in Colorado - DONE
In November, Mom and I went out to Denver to visit Nathan. We were there from a Wednesday night until early Monday morning. We had a great trip! It was so neat to see where he has been living and get to see some amazing mountain scenery. We laughed a whole lot, admired the gorgeous views, visited the Coors brewery (Mom's favorite part of the trip), relaxed, and enjoyed spending some great time together. 

Now, I just have to find a time to get back out there so I can check #22 off my list (skiing).