So I looked back over "The List" today to see what all I had and had not checked off this year. I was going to blog about several more things that I actually did do, but I realized that pretty much everyone who reads my blog (or still reads it now that I have fallen off the blogosphere) already knows about all of these things, so I am going to write a short summary here of what all I have been up to:
8, 9, 25, and 26 - DONE: This summer I went on a trip with my sister. She planned the whole thing and every bit of it was a surprise (which if you know me then you know how much I love to have a plan and be in control, so it was quite amazing that I did not plan one single thing for this). I rode out to Texas with Ashley and her family (yes, you read correctly... rode, like in a car, not a plane, to Texas) and we spent a few days with my brother-in-law's family in Waco. Before we headed off on our road trip we crossed #26 off my list by going to a flea market.

Next, we headed off on a road trip to Fredericksburg and Austin (#9 - DONE). We visited several wineries (#8- DONE), ate great food, stayed in an awesome bed and breakfast, shopped, laughed lots, and simply enjoyed undivided time together.

We ended our trip in Austin where we had some great BBQ, drove through the University of Texas campus (#26 - DONE), and made a pit stop at the Friday Night Lights set before I caught my flight back to Birmingham. It was such a sweet time with my sister and so fun to check some things off my list with her! 

Okay, change of plans... Blogspot can sometimes be a little hornery, so instead of getting halfway through this post and having it magically disappear and me scream ugly words I am going to save this one and then start another.
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