Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I know, I know... I have been MIA for a month, which is ridiculous. I have said several times, "Oh, I have got to blog about that." Of course, now that I am actually sitting down to update you I have no idea what those funny things were that I thought would make good blog material.

So, I will give you some very unsettling and depressing news instead... Remember all those pounds I lost a year ago? Well, I found them... and they brought back friends with them. Remember in April when I declared I was getting back in the (weight loss) game? And I did... for about 72 hours? Well, that was 5 months (and many pounds) ago. Remember when I said that if I didn't get with it, I was going to be right back where I started? Well, hello square one... So great to see you again. When I put on a (snug) pair of pants this morning that were huge on me last year I didn't cry. When I considered if I should use the pregnant woman's "rubberband trick" on these pants, I didn't scream. When I weighed this afternoon at my Weight Watchers meeting, I didn't begin sobbing upon seeing that large number in ink. Why? Because I feel like it can't be worse than it is at this moment. Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow I will be back in the game... again. Tomorrow I will make better decisions. And next Tuesday when I weigh in I will be encouraged that my weight is once again going down and not up. I will keep you posted on my progress... and come hell or high water there will be progress this time!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see you're back posting again. It was kind of funny that I read your post this morning then went to (in)courage and there was a post about showing ourselves grace. Here's the link (if you're interested) http://www.incourage.me/2010/10/these-are-the-days-of-grace.html

    I'll cheer you on through your progress!
