Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One Week Down

I am back on track... and it feels good! There are a few things that have really helped this time around. My friend Keri coordinated with Weight Watchers to get a meeting set up at our school, so it is great to be doing this with friends at work. My sister is also doing Weight Watchers and she has found some great websites with tasty recipes (www.skinnytaste.com). She and I knew that football season in the South is a hard time to try and lose weight, but she found some great things we could have this past Saturday and I did not feel like I was on a diet.

I have also realized that one of my biggest problems is that I find way too much joy in food. When I am having a really crappy day I want to cheer myself up by getting something sugary, cheesey, or fried on my way home. I know this about myself, so I am trying to find other things to enjoy.

I also realize that if something sounds too good to be true... it probably is. Yesterday I was trying to find a salad dressing that would be low in points, but not taste awful. I found a Ranch dressing that was 0 calories and fat free. I gave it a try and it is now safely stored at the bottom of my trash can. How Walden Farms stays in business selling that kind of crap, I do not know.

I was not at school today for the meeting, so I did not get to weigh in, but I will let you know the results after next Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Good job getting back on track. Just take it week by week and you'll hit your goal again.
