- I am co-leading a small group this semester with my friend, Kristie. We are doing a book study of a great book called Lose It for Life. It addresses the spiritual, emotional, and physical elements of weight loss. So far it has been great. We have a group of about 15 ladies that we meet with on Monday nights and God is really bringing some things out in each of us that will hopefully allow us to see lasting success that we have not been able to see before.
- I have also started trying to become a little more educated about food and how it fuels our bodies. Which foods give us the most fuel? What are foods that I should get rid of? How can I change my lifestyle and not just start a new diet that will last a few months at most? I have been doing a no flour, no sugar program, which has been good so far. I am now moving into a whole/organic/clean approach that focuses mainly on getting rid of foods that have sugar (especially high fructose corn syrup), white flour (or any type of enriched or bleached flour). It is geared more towards whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts, etc. I picked up Dr. Oz's book YOU: On a Diet this week for some guidance. I have a friend that is going to follow this plan with me, so I am excited about having a buddy! Since the start of the year I have lost about 17 pounds. I have not seen much weight loss over the past few weeks, so I am hoping to see more results in the coming weeks because I tend to get discouraged and give up way to easy. I had not been weighing, which I think I might go back to in order to stay focused on the right things and not just the number on the scale.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
The Plan
As you know, I am on a continuous weight loss journey (this is my new catch phrase because I think of diets as temporary). Here is the latest:
# 8 - Check, #12 - One Check
Last weekend I was able to get away for several days with some sweet friends from school. We headed out of town after school last Thursday and spent the weekend together in Laguna Beach, FL. We laughed, ate, cooked, cried, talked, and overall just relaxed and soaked up each other's company. It was fabulous and perfect timing for all of us.
While we were there, they were kind enough to agree to help me check some things off my list. We watched American Graffiti and wondered how it ended up on my list of movies that were "must-sees". I think we all much preferred our nightly Madea marathon!
Another thing on my list was to watch the sunrise, so early Sunday morning while it was still dark and cold and windy we all climbed out of bed and trooped down to the beach and waited in the dark and the wind to see the sun rise. Well, turns out we were not facing the spot where the sun would first peek up over the horizon, but we enjoyed the scenery (and donuts that followed) nonetheless.
While we were there, they were kind enough to agree to help me check some things off my list. We watched American Graffiti and wondered how it ended up on my list of movies that were "must-sees". I think we all much preferred our nightly Madea marathon!
Another thing on my list was to watch the sunrise, so early Sunday morning while it was still dark and cold and windy we all climbed out of bed and trooped down to the beach and waited in the dark and the wind to see the sun rise. Well, turns out we were not facing the spot where the sun would first peek up over the horizon, but we enjoyed the scenery (and donuts that followed) nonetheless.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
The Ultimate Sacrifice

About a month ago I started reading through the Chronological Bible reading plan. I have now read Genesis, Job, Exodus and Leviticus. I am currently in Numbers. I have really enjoyed reading stories that I can remember being introduced to through a felt board in Sunday School as a little girl. Even though I have heard some of these stories hundreds of times, God has given me a fresh perspective, which just proves that His Word really is living. I have read again about Adam and Eve, Noah and the ark, Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt, and many other stories. Among these stories there are also LOTS of rules, lists, guidelines, and procedures for everything imaginable (Yes, there is an entire chapter in Leviticus on bodily discharges - Leviticus 15). There are guidelines for all types of offerings and sacrifices that are required to make atonement for sins. Can you imagine having to go through this process every single time you sin? Pretty sure my backyard would have to look like the picture above. This has really opened my eyes to what a HUGE gift we have in Christ and the price He paid once and for all for our sins. Reading the Old Testament has made me appreciate so much more what Christ did for broken, selfish, and stubborn me.
"There were many priests under the old system, for death prevented them from remaining in office. But because Jesus lives forever, his priesthood lasts forever. Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf. He is the kind of high priest we need because he is holy and blameless, unstained by sin. He has been set apart from sinners and has been given the highest place of honor in heaven. Unlike those other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices every day. They did this for their own sins first and then for the sins of the people. But Jesus did this once for all when he offered himself as the sacrifice for the people’s sins." - Hebrews 7:23-27
As I was typing this, one of my favorite Kari Jobe songs came on that fits so perfectly. "What a sacrifice that saved my life, Yes the blood it is my victory."
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