Sunday, July 8, 2012

Break Every Chain

There is power in the name of Jesus
To break every chain

One of my favorite memories from the trip was from our first day.  We spent the afternoon in a mountain church with lots of precious kids.  As we headed back down the mountain, Davis (our leader from Global Effect) suggested that we stop at this Voodoo sacrifice tree to pray and sing some worship songs.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, 70% of Haitians practice Voodoo to some extent so it was everywhere.  We unloaded the tap tap and stood facing this tree and loudly sang "There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain."  Then we sang "Mighty to Save".  While we were worshipping a woman came up with a bucket on her head.  She began to join us in worship by lifting her hands and swaying back and forth with the bucket still firmly planted on her head.  As we were leaving, one of our team members gave her a granola bar and a bottle of water.  She began saying something in Creole that we could not understand, so we called over one of our translators to interpret for us.  He told us that she had said, "When I woke up this morning I did not have any food and you have answered my prayer for food."  We saw her again at the mountain church the next day and as we unloaded the tap tap she came up to hug each one of us.  It was a powerful moment.

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