Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Rules of Facebook

I have decided that when you sign up for Facebook you should have to agree to some rules:
1. I will not update my status more than twice a day. If you are updating your status hourly, please get a job like the rest of us!
2. I will not use my status to inform others of how much I saved at Publix, how my child's potty training is going, the itinerary of my day, etc.
3. I will not post pictures that might make others uncomfortable (i.e. my bare pregnant belly, my child's first nosebleed, etc.)
4. I will not make the following comments without a detailed explanation: "Praying for the Smith family. What a horrible tragedy.", "Today is the worst day ever.", "I have some very exciting news!"
5. I will not post every picture I have taken in the past 5 years. It is really not necessary to have albums documenting a random Saturday when you decided to wash your car.
6. I will not use my status to make controversial statements that will get people all riled up, such as "Obama is the worst President ever.", "Christianity is for idiots.", "RTR", etc.
7. I will not use uncommon abbreviations. How is anyone supposed to know that GNSD = Good Night Sweet Dreams, ROTFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off, etc.
8. I will never say "Good Morning/Night FB friends". That is just sad.
9. I will check my spelling before I post my status. The teacher in me cringes when I see the following: "Person X want's to go too the beach rite now!" or "Congrads on the win!"

10. I will not use my status to post inside jokes. Out of your 247 Facebook friends, if only one person knows the meaning of "The green socks are too tight on my cankles. HAHAHA" then you do not need to post that.


  1. This is hilarious. I think FB should make these official.

  2. Your so funny--congrads on a hilerious post!

  3. Haha! Love this! (Although I'm not going to lie - when we really dive into potty training this weekend, I will probably share updates on FB.) :)

  4. Loved this post! My college-aged daughter kept putting what I thought were cryptic sentences on her Facebook page. I'd call her and she'd say it was a quote from a Taylor Swift song. Now she types TF after the weird sentences so I don't go in to mom panic mode.
