Friday, March 5, 2010

Sister, Sister

My sister is pregnant with another girl, so we have all been trying to prepare Carson to be a big sister. This has brought about lots of reminiscing for Ashley and me. I am lucky enough to have a sister that I also consider one of my best friends... BUT it hasn't always been this way. We didn't become that close until she left for Auburn and our bond was later solidified through our mutual obsession with N'Sync.
Even though we did not always get along that well through middle school and high school, I always wanted to be like her. She had cool clothes, cool friends, and cool (doo-doo roll) bangs. When she was gone I would often sneak into her room and try on/steal her clothes, such as her salmon colored Harry T's shirt, guatemalan belt, sunflower barette and matching t-shirt, etc. I would later stand at the top of the stairs where she couldn't see me and ask if I could borrow one of these items (while already wearing it). Then she would get mad and use her cat claws (a.k.a. fingernails of death) to punish me by digging them into my arm while I slapped at her.
Thankfully, we have moved beyond those days and I now pray that Carson will be as blessed as I have been by having such an amazing relationship with her sister!

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