So, in case ya didn't know... my sister had another baby girl a week ago today. Maggie Anne Schornack was born on Thursday, July 22 at 2:10 p.m. She weighed 8 lbs., 2 oz. and measured 21 inches long. She is absolutely beautiful and sweet as she can be.
Let me just tell you how much I love and admire my sister. Long story short, getting pregnant was not easy for her... at all. As a matter of fact, this time last summer she was very sick from a failed attempt to get pregnant. Through both of her pregnancies she has leaned on God and trusted in His perfect plan, which is really hard to do at times. She has covered both of these sweet girls in prayer and trusted God would take care of them, which He has faithfully done. I have learned so much from her and hope that one day I will be half the mother that both she and my mom are.