Monday, July 26, 2010

Super Summer

Yes, I am still alive. No, I have not fallen off the face of the Earth. And, no, I have not abandoned my blog for good. I have good reason for being MIA for the past several weeks. Here is what my fun-filled summer has looked like:
1 week at Camp SAM + 2 weeks teaching ESL camp + 2 beach trips + 1 weekly small group + 1 baby-sitting job + 1 new baby niece = By far, the busiest summer I have ever had

My previous summers have consisted of a lot of staying up late, sleeping until 10, reading, napping, and overall rest and relaxation. Today is the first day all summer that I have had the opportunity to lay on my couch in my pj's, watch DVR, update my blog, read, and just be completely lazy... and it is fabulous. School starts back for me 2 weeks from today, so I am enjoying the last little bit of time I have before the chaos of the beginning of school gets underway. I am hoping to make more posts over the next two weeks, but I have given you some of my new favorite quotes and YouTube videos in the meantime. Hope you have all had a great summer so far filled with lots of fun in the sun!


  1. I'm glad you're having some "down time."

    I've been following you for a while (in a non-stalker-ish way) knowing you're a teacher and our son just got hired for his first teaching position. Middle school math in VA.

    So his (and our) lives are in fast forward. He's looking for an apartment, purchasing his first car, etc. etc.

    Enjoy your last 2 weeks of freedom!

  2. Hi Cindy! Thanks for following my blog. Sorry it has been soooo long between posts. Congrats to your son! I hope he will love his job as much as I do!
