Thursday, January 28, 2010

Nobody Knows the Scruggles I've Seen

Several years ago I was in a meeting with a student's parent. We were discussing how she was having a hard time in reading and asked if she was reading any at home. Here was the response we got from her dad: "She has always scruggled in reading and we have been trying to get her to read more at home. I have told her that she should be reading anytime she can, since she scruggles so much in this area. Like when she goes number two, she should have a book with her." My response in my mind was: "Umm, did he just say scruggle? Oh gosh now he is talking about "going number two." DonotgiggleDonotgiggle, Okay, he definitely just said scruggle again."
This was the first time I had ever heard someone replace str- with scr-, but it would not be the last. My sister and I have kept a running tally and so far, here is what we have heard: scraddle, scretcher, scread eagle, scraight, screet, scrawberry... I know there are more, but this is all I can remember for now.

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your posts, Meredith! Hilarious! Laura Bots
