Saturday, February 27, 2010

How To Speak Carson...

I love listening to Carson (my niece) talk, especially when she makes up words or whole sentences that my sister can easily interpret for those who are not accustomed to her 2 year old dialect. For example...
"I want to hold you" = Please pick me up. Obviously her holding me would be considered child abuse in many countries.
"I need paper towels" = I am upset, but once I go wipe my tears with toilet paper and then flush it down the toilet I will run from the bathroom exclaiming, "I happy now!"
"Ageeeen" = I like whatever song we have listened to 872 times and would like to hear it again.
"Merty likes girls" = We have been discussing what the sex of Ashley's baby would be (we now know that it's a GIRL!) and Carson would always say that she liked boys. Then she would proclaim that Merty likes girls, Poppy likes boys, etc. I tried to explain to her that I would appreciate her not yelling this out in any public places.
"Carson play peeno, Merty play scarf" = I would like to play my piano and since there are no other instruments available, could you please wave this scarf and act like it is making music.
"Blah, blah, stilettos, blah, blah, Party in the USA" = Yes, she can sing almost the entire Miley Cyrus hit. She also knows Single Ladies and Popular (from Wicked)

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