Monday, August 2, 2010

Shopping = Pure Torture

It's time for back to school shopping and I left my house this afternoon prepared to stock up on all kinds of cute items. Here are my observations from my shopping endeavor:
1. Why must designers bedazzle everything? I would see a cute top only to pull it off the rack and realize that the entire left side was covered in a rhinestone butterfly.
2. Instead of a "Misses" section, they should be more specific and label it "MawMaw". The amount of shoulder pads, pleats, and tapering that you find in the "Misses" department makes you wonder if your purchase comes with a free walker.
3. I think dressing rooms should come with a buzzer, so that when you try something on that you are unsure about, the siren would go off to let you know that you should not even consider buying this item. For example, it could say, "Warning! Warning! Inappropriate clothing choice. Please remove item, place back on the hanger, and step away."
4. There are things hanging in some stores that I want to hide in a dark corner for fear that some sad person will come in and think that it is cute. That person will later wear it in public and make the rest of us think "where in the world did they get that and why did someone not tell them that it is brutal."
5. Do you ever have those moments when you pick up something in your size and think, "This looks huge." only to try it on and realize that it is too tight? That is always a fun point in the shopping experience.
6. I think that one level of Hell will involve shopping for jeans or bathing suits.
Unfortunately I did not find as many things as I wanted, so I now have the joy of going through all of this again sometime this week.

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