Monday, August 2, 2010

Stars...They're Just Like Us!

I think this is one of the funniest sections in celebrity magazines. They will take pictures of celebrities pumping their gas or buying groceries or something else that we all do everyday and then proclaim that these gazillion dollar making, personal trainer using, chauffeured celebrities are indeed just like us. The fact that they are pumping gas into their car that costs more than my house or using their Black AmEx to buy their groceries does not seem to be noticed by the editors of these magazines.
Case in point... Last week I was reading a magazine that had an article about a model who died after having butt injections. Yes, you read correctly. She was having injections to make her butt bigger. Pretty sure I don't know of anyone that would want to have or be in need of butt injections. I wonder if they have a "butt donation" program. I would happily donate some of mine. So, this begs the question... How come this article wasn't titled "Stars... They're Just Like Us"? Uhm... because they aren't.

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