Sunday, February 21, 2010

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

Rules to live by:
1. Never start a sentence with "I don't know how to put this nicely..." That just tells me that you probably didn't try very hard to do so and you are about to say something that I will consider offensive.
2. If you are a parent, please never start a conference with your child's teacher by saying, "This year, my child has learned the least." (And this statement is only made worse when you preface it with the statement from #1).
3. Huge is NOT a synonym for tall, so yes, I did find it offensive when a student from a few years ago told me that he just loved having a huge teacher. After I stopped sobbing and picked my jaw up off the floor, he explained that he meant tall. Not the same, not the same at all.
4. Please never ask me if I am having a baby unless I am wearing a shirt that says, "I am having a baby, so please feel free to comment on the size of my belly." (This question came from a student this past week. I responded with "Ummm no, and you now have silent lunch and an F in conduct.")
5. Never ask a room full of 10/11 year olds how old they think you are. I typically get guesses from 21 - 72.
Lesson to take away from this... if you start to think to yourself, "Hmm... should I say this? The answer is probably NO so do us all a favor and keep your pie hole shut!"

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