Sunday, April 11, 2010

F-Bombs Away

Times, they are a changin'... Each year I am more and more amazed at what 5th graders say. The things they know at this age blows me away. I am pretty sure when I was in 5th grade I still thought boys had cooties and the worst word I knew was "butt".
One year I asked my kids what some of their favorite movies were and I got everything from Scary Movie to Saw. Most of the movies they named were rated R. The first rated R movie I saw was Pretty Woman (which now a days would probably be rated PG). Sidenote: Pretty sure that using the phrase "now a days" makes me old.
This year many of my boys have an obsession with WWF (wrestling). In the past month I have taken up 2 wrestling magazines that are full of scantily clad women. Pretty sure they didn't check that out from our school library.
The biggest shocker to me, though has been the 3 F-bombs that have been dropped in my classroom in the past 2 years. Last year I had a student singing a song using words that rhymed with luck (duck, buck, f***). Of course the kids that heard him reacted with lots of giggles, which only made him sing it again and again until finally one child came and told me he was saying "the F word". I pulled him in the hallway and asked him what he was saying. He said the word and asked what the big deal was. After I picked my jaw up off the ground I explained to him that the word he said was a very very very bad word that he should never ever use again.
This year as we were lining up for lunch I had a child simply ask (in front of the whole class), "Ms. Meadows is f*** a bad word?" In my shock I said, "What did you just say?" which of course caused him to repeat the word. I gave him the same speech I had given the student the previous year.
Just a few weeks ago I had the 3rd student yell out the word in a moment of frustration because he had not completed his work. Needless to say, seeing as he used the word knowing full and well what it meant, his consequences were a little more severe.
Disclaimer: I assure you that these students are not repeating ANYTHING they have heard me say, unless they are mind-readers (just kidding).

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