Sunday, April 18, 2010

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

Here are a few things I am loving right now:
1) Music: I love Kari Jobe. She is a Christian singer with one of the most beautiful voices. Her songs are amazing. I also love Rita Springer. She is another Christian singer who has some great songs of praise and worship.
2) TV: YAY!!! Glee has finally returned! Oh how I have missed Sue Sylvester and her completely inappropriate comments that kinda make me cringe. I have also developed an obsession with Alias. Yes, I know it came on long ago, but my friend Julie has gotten me hooked on it. She owns the first 3 seasons, so we have watched all of those and just finished the fourth season (which has been my favorite so far).
3) Books: I have been reading lots lately. I just finished The Help, which I loved. I am now reading House Rules, which is Jodi Picoult's latest. If you have not read any of her books, you need to start now! They are soooo good. I have also started reading Janet Evanovich's series about Stephanie Plum, the world's worst bounty hunter. These books are good, quick reads between the more intense books on my list.
4) Food: Yesterday I went to Auburn for A-Day with Ashley and Carson. Our road trip of course called for snacks, so I made "the world's best trail mix" (if I do say so myself). Yogurt covered pretzles, M&M's, goldfish crackers, mixed nuts, and chocoalte Cheerios.
5) Fashion: I am so glad it is warm again and I can wear capris, sandals, and shorts. I also love that my hair has finally gotten long enough to pull up in a wee ponytail. I have LOTS of thick hair, so it feels so great to pull it up off my neck. I tried scrunching it up last week. It actually held the curl pretty well, but some of my family members were not feelin' it. "What did you do to your hair? You look like you have jheri curl." "Whoa, what happened to your hair?" Of course all of these comments came from men. What do they know??

What are you loving right now?? Do tell.

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving your blog. I guess I started reading with your Facebook rules (brilliant)! And I've read back over your past posts.

    Also, with some spring type days, I'm loving laying out in the backyard "working on" my tan. Life is good!
